The Colorful Cookie Blog

How Thick Do You Roll Your Cookie Dough cookie dough dough dough sheeter Jul 23, 2021

Do you own a dough sheeter? I absolutely love my dough sheeter! I have had it for a while now and let me tell you! It is so fast and makes rolling out dough so easy! Lots of cookiers have purchased one and I have only heard raving reviews!

I wanted visible measurements to add to the side of mine...

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Dough Sheeter for the Win! cookie dough dough sheeter Feb 16, 2021


Wow! I have never used a dough sheeter until I bought this one. Besides being able to design custom cookie stencils and cookie cutters for decorated sugar cookies, this is another BIG game changer!

This dough sheeter is AHH-mazing! If you decorate sugar cookies, it is perfect! The sheeter...

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