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Global Cookie Community - Find Cookiers Near You!

cookie community cookiers facebook groups friend Aug 11, 2020

Want to meet cookie friends who live near you? I love my cookie friends who live close to me. Getting together is fun! Being part of the Cookie Community is one of the greatest joys of my life! I love being able to swap tips, teach fun things, share information and stories with all of you wonderful cookie people. We are truly part of a global cookie community and I'd love to help us connect with each other. Cookie friends are real!

It is my privilege to be a part of a fabulous group of Kansas City Cookiers and I love being able to get together with these talented people! Sometimes we work, sometimes we learn, sometimes we just hang out and enjoy each other's company. I know that many of you would love to have similar relationships with fellow cookiers.

For that reason, I want to provide you with a great resource to help you make new cookie friends! You never know! There may be a fellow cookier who lives right around the corner or in the next town! There may even be a cookier group in your area. 

Each cookie group is a little bit different. Sometimes there are set agendas and scheduled meet ups. Other times it's just fun to get together for cookie talk over coffee or lunch. Some groups meet in person while others are totally online. Sometimes groups are simply a way of connecting you to a potential cookie friend in your area. You may find that there is a cookier so close to you that you could run over to borrow a cup of sugar or share an awesome cookie stencil!

I've put together a list of cookie groups from around the globe. Look at this list of links! As you can see, there are lots of cookiers who are already connecting with each other! Big events where we all get together are an amazing time for sure. However, there is also something so special about getting together with a smaller group. When you make cookie friends you are able to support each other, learn from each other and share resources. And it's just so much fun to be with cookie pals! My hope is that you will reach out to each other and make some amazing new cookie connections! 

Click the link to a group near you and join in the fun! I hope you will be able to make some new cookie friends nearby or maybe you can even start your own group if there isn't one near you! Please email at [email protected] and let me know if you are part of a Cookier Facebook group that can be added to the list or if you start a new group in your area. I will add it to this list of links to help more cookiers find each other. 

Arizona Cookie Group Phase 2

Bay Area Decorators

Carolina Cookiers

Central Alabama Cookiers

Central Illinois Cookiers

Cookie Masters in Florida

Connecticut Cookiers

DFW Cookie Group

Florida Bakers Club

Houston Area Cookie Collective

H-Town Cookiers (Houston and surrounding areas)

Idaho Sweet Bakers & Makers

Illinois Cookie Makers

Illinois Cookiers

Kansas City Cookiers

Kansas Cookiers

Lubbock Cookiers

Maine Cookiers

Maryland/DC Cookiers

Massachusetts Area Cookie Society

Michigan Cookiers 

Midwest Cookie Decorators South Dakota

Mississippi Cookiers

National Cookie Cutter Collector Club

Nashville Cookie Collab

Nashville Cookiers

North Alabama Baking Co-Op

Northern VA Cookiers

Ohio Bakes

Oklahoma Cookiers Support

Oregon Cookie Decorators and Bakers

Pennsylvania PGH BAKES 

Seattle & Puget Sound Cookiers

So Cal Cookiers

St. Louis Cookiers 

Sweet Southern Cookiers of Georgia

Texas Cookiers

Virginia Cookiers 

West New York


Ontario Cookie Club

Keep Calm and Cookie On - Canada Style

Cookies in the Canadian West

Victoria, British Columbia - Island Cookiers



Cookie Decorating Australia and New Zealand


UK Cookie/Biscuit Decorators

Klets Koekjes

The Cookie Queens


South African Cookiers and Bakers 


Support & Encouragement for Cookiers Who Move Around the Globe


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